Friday, May 21, 2010

Health = Happiness

What is being rich without health? I come across many rich men in my psychic and clairvoyant works and they look worried when I gaze into their eyes. They are afraid deep inside. They are prosperous and powerful physically but weak by spirit and health.

If you have time, sit down and think about the intimate connection between happiness and good health.

Eurozone is in a mess right now financially. Many financial people are worried. Health and stress problems are rising that's for sure.

Yes, most of us would probably agree that there is a connection, but many of us who feel unhappy don't want to take the time to build a foundation of good health. Good health can be the launching pad for great things.

It is extremely important to make sure your body stays in great shape if you want to enjoy all that life has to offer.


  1. kære patrick jeg tror på dig jeg ville ønske at jeg havde haft sådanne bedsteforældre som du havde dajeg var 10 år. jeg er blevet mere glad også min hund .på grund af de råd jeg har fået af dig.jeg vil stadig øve mig. kærelig hilsen lis bendte.

  2. KÆRE PATRICK. Det var ikke for at få et råd .Jeg havde siddet og læst om dit liv , og nu følte jeg at kendte dig lidt det gjorde mig bare glad. Patrick jeg har skrevet på denne side fordi de sige at du er en svindler ,det kan du ikke være når du kunde se vad jeg følte , da så ud af vinduet i april kærlig hilsen Lis Bendte.
